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obesity, our modern war

An article on the BBC news website caught my attention today - highlighting research on possible cancer risks associated with obesity. In recent years, obesity has been recognised as a modern day killer on quite an epic scale.

With an ever increasing pressure on time and work-life balances being out of kilter, many more people are turning to instant, heat up meals and takeaways, often not realising just how much salt and sugar is contained in each one. For many people with increasingly busy lifestyles no longer find the time to cook from scratch and rely on the quicker choice.

These days, eating healthily takes organisation and planning and can stump even the most aware of us when faced with the plethora of quick options available.

Keeping food as close to its natural state is a great way to start.

Other factors that have an affect are hydration (or more commonly dehydration) and a lack of exercise. Keep a small bottle of water with you, to top up your water intake (it's always easy when you have water to hand) and try getting off the bus or tube 1 stop earlier and walking. It's not a recipe for losing a lot of weight but it is a start to get you used to the changes and on the road to a healthier body.

The rate of obesity in children has jump up increasingly over the last few years and the increase in obesity across all ages is placing a strain on the NHS resources.

Time to get walking, get drinking (water that is) and get cooking!


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