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exercise galore!

Over the last 2 1/2 months I have been taking part in a Boot Camp with Urban Vitality 3 times a week, have got back into cycling (after way too many years) and also did a muddy obstacle course to raise money for cancer research. How has it been, well, hard work, aching muscles and days when I just didnt want to get out of bed! But at the same time, great weight loss (cms and % body fat, as well as weight), far more energy and generally feeling like I could take on the world.

In terms of how effective exercise is, it is definitely best when combined with healthy eating. I tried some weeks with being really healthy food wise and some with just eating whatever I felt like and the difference in the readings was very noticeable but more importantly that that was how I felt, the weeks with the unhealthier food left me feeling sluggish, no spring in my step and everything felt a bit harder to do (not just exercise but work, cooking, basically everything I did).

A calf injury has slowerd down my exercise regime the last few weeks, which has left me feeling slightly antsy ... not sure if it is due to the lack of endorphins that are released during exercise but I am definitely afffected by not exercising. I am doing a 30 day ab challenge (think situps and crunches) but its not the same. So hopefully next week my calf will be strong enough for me to start gradually getting back up to boot camp & cycling.

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