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Time to top up Vitamin D!

Now is the time to get your fill of Vitamin D, as sunlight is a good source, you just need 20 minutes a day

Why Vitamin D:

Vitamin is an often forgotten vitamin but like all vitamins it is vital for optimum health. Vitamin D deficiency is hard to know as the symptoms can be subtle, with some bone pain or muscle weakness or just a slight tiredness. But Vitamin D is essential for healthy bones and teeth, and there is more research looking at low levels of the vitamin leading to an increased risk of type 1 diabetes, muscle and bone pain, and a number of cancers. It is linked to the immune system and muscle normal function, regulating cell growth and reduction of inflammation.

There is a simple test that your doctor can arrange for you to test the levels and it is certainly advisable to make the most of the sunshine now during the summer and then have your Vitamin D levels checked half way through winter, as you may well be below the optimum level. I had my Vitamin D level checked in January a few years ago and was shocked to find that I was severely deficient. I always make the most of the sun (safely) during summer and yet I was still severely deficient.

Oily fish (like salmon and sardines) contains Vitamin D, as well as small levels in eggs, cheese, liver and mushrooms and also within fortified foods (usually dairy and some cereals). Five to 10 minutes a day (without sunscreen) not during the midday sun, will be enough to top up Vitamin D levels in the summer.

I used the Nutri Vitamin D3 supplement to get my levels back up and every year in the winter, I top up for a few weeks.

It is imperative that you get your Vitamin D levels checked before taking any supplement, as Vitamin D is one of the fat soluble vitamins that will be stored in the body and can lead to toxic levels.

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