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is your lifestyle damaging your health?

With the town of Fleetwood's local GP looking to make a difference to the town's health through lifestyle and food changes and reports that health problems related to poor diet, drinking and smoking are costing the NHS in England more than £11bn each year, food and lifestyle choices are more important than ever.

So often people will have their car serviced every year, service their boilers and do maintenance around the home and care for their gardens but then don't take the same care with their bodies and expect them to function well without any real care and attention. And then seem surprised when things go wrong. Much is made of what foods will make you ill in the long run but I believe it is important on what will make you feel great.

A positive mind is so important to our well being and changing your perspective to what changes will make you feel great will make the changes easier. As the saying goes, a change is as good as a holiday! So it is time to pack your bags and get started on a new you. Food changes don't mean existing only on a lettuce leaf, but finding exciting, healthy and tasty options - after all food is meant to be a pleasure! Food isn't the only aspect to look at either, a positive mind and exercising, whether it means getting off the bus or tube a stop earlier and walking that extra distance every day, heading to a bootcamp, gym or yoga class, find an exercise form that suits you, that you enjoy and fits into your lifestyle. Yes it will be tough at first but you will feel the benefits and your body will thank you for the tlc you show it.

If you want to make changes and don't know where to start, come and see me and I will work out a programe specifically tailored for you.

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