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'tis the season to be jolly

With Christmas only a few weeks away, everyone is in the swing of Christmas parties, mince pies, Christmas shopping and endless lists of food to remember for the big day, it's all too easy to forget about your health at this time of year. With many coughs and colds doing the rounds and the stress of Christmas, make sure you take out some time for you!

Keep up your fruit and veg intake, it can often suffer at this time of year. If you have a full day of Christmas shopping planned, pick up a smoothie as you go, packed full of fruit and veg.


Keep up your water - keep your body hydrated (and no, that glass of champagne doesn't count!)

Don't miss meals - all too easy to do. Keep some nuts and/or seeds in your bag - a quick and healthy snack to keep you going.

Get enough sleep - try and alternate a late night with an early night as too many late nights in a row can play havoc with body.

If you are travelling by public transport, carry a hand sanitiser with you and use it after every journey, as cold and flu bugs can be on the surfaces of buses, tubes and trains.

Take some deep breaths every day - it is a stressful time of year and take a deep breath will calm you down and stop you from racing around, even if it is just for a minute or two!

Happy preparing!

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