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Diet vs good food

So many people buy a diet book or book onto a diet plan and then a few weeks later fall off the plan and end up heavier than before. These plans aren’t individually tailored to you and let’s face it, we are all unique. Just think about you and your friends, how do your meal preferences differ, the foods you like or dislike, the number of times a day you eat, how you view food mentally and emotionally and what your comfort foods are … I am sure you will all be different and what works for one of your friends won’t necessarily work for you. Some people like a detailed meal planner with all meals chosen for them, others prefer a list of ingredients to choose from or the option to switch lunch and dinner meals around. We are all unique and that needs to be recognised and taken into account for any meal plan to work.

Most people associate the word diet with hardship, restrictions, feeling hungry, eating only salad, lacking in taste and feeling miserable. I certainly don’t believe this is the way to get to your best health … food is a pleasure and as such should be tasty and appealing as well as being nutritious and it can be done, with a little bit of planning and also experimenting with food – by that I mean experimenting with flavours and textures, trying new foods and herbs and seeing how you feel. It is not just about the taste – we all need consider how we feel after a meal as well, are you bloated, feel sleepy or sluggish? Or do you feel like you could conquer the world? How often have you sat in front of your computer or TV and eaten a meal and then 20 minutes later wouldn’t be able to describe the taste or smell?

Come and see me for a personalised plan. The initial consultation is to find out about you and your health, as there is no “one size fits all” approach. Not only your health concerns will be taken into account, but also your lifestyle and how healthy food choices can work for you. I focus on health, feeling healthy and making sure your body is getting the right nutrients to work effectively and efficiently for you. It's not about what is restricted but all about healthy, tasty meals that boost your body, enabling it to work well for you.

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