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why nutritional therapy

How Nutritional Therapy can help

As a nutritional therapist, I concentrate on the role of nutrition, nutrients

and other biological agents that may be used in conjunction with lifestyle

changes to assist you in maintaining optimal health.


Nutrition and lifestyle approaches to healthcare have been shown to

support the health of all the major systems of the body. Typical priorities

in nutritional therapy consultations are support to achieve optimum

energy levels, healthy blood sugar balance, emotional and
psychological wellbeing, optimum gastrointestinal health and tolerance
to a broad range of food groups.



Some people simply want to check that they are on the right track

with regards to healthy eating. Others may want to lose weight or

get help with their symptoms. Nutritional Therapists

recognise that each person is an indi­vidual with unique requirements

and I take a full medical history to uncover the root cause of you

symptoms and define a personalised and realistic nutrition plan for you,

rather than a ‘one size fits all’ approach.


Nutritional therapy includes:

• Encouraging metabolic & hormonal homeostasis

• Promote natural detoxification and elimination processes

• Augment immune function and performance

• Optimise skin vitality

• Support endocrine function

• Emotional and psychological wellbeing

• Promoting wellbeing within the pressures of a modern lifestyle

• Promote and support optimal thyroid function and performance


Increasing scientific research shows how many health conditions are

strongly influenced by our diet and lifestyle.


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